A Perfect Guide to Applying for an Irish Student Visa from Laos

A Perfect Guide to Applying for an Irish Student Visa from Laos

It’s June 17, 2024, and today I received my passport with my student visa. This journey has been a roller coaster ride—from applying to schools, taking English exams, collecting documents, and finally sending everything to Hanoi. There aren’t many guides on the internet for perfectly applying for an Irish student visa, but I hope this article helps everyone.

The Dream Begins

My dream of becoming an international student began before the pandemic in 2020. It was a mix of deciding which country was best for me. I considered Australia, Canada, and Germany, but I ultimately chose Ireland. My sister has lived there for over 20 years, and after talking to her, I realized Ireland was the best choice. This narrowed down my options, and I began searching for schools.

Finding the Right School

In February 2024, I started looking for schools, which felt like shopping for the right clothes within my budget. I had to consider many factors, especially my budget and long-term goals. I applied to three schools: Dublin City University, University College Dublin, and the National College of Ireland (NCI). These schools seemed like they would help me achieve my goals, especially with their IT courses, which I was excited about. Some schools also required application fees of 40-60 euros before assessing your application.

Choosing NCI

Eventually, I chose NCI because they offered me a scholarship of up to 4,000 euros and had great reviews online. I advise taking the time to research and weigh your options before deciding on a school. It’s very important. In the same month, NCI responded with additional requirements, including an English exam. Luckily, they accepted Duolingo, so I took the exam and scored 130/160. After submitting my results, NCI sent me a Conditional Offer, which would become unconditional after paying the tuition fee.

Paying the Tuition Fee

In March 2024, I collected my funds and paid my tuition fee via BCEL (Banque Pour Le Commerce Exterieur Lao Public). The process was smooth, and after sending the required invoices to NCI, they quickly replied with my Pre-Registration status as “place accepted without condition.” That’s when I started gathering documents for my student visa.

Gathering Documents and Applying for the Visa

My journey felt like a marathon. I needed patience and perseverance, especially since some documents had to be collected from the Philippines. I recommend reading the requirements on the Irish embassy website as it is very helpful: Irish Immigration. NCI also referred me to IDP Education, which helped me prepare my documents before lodging. They provide free assistance, and I highly recommend contacting them.

Submitting the Visa Application

By May 2024, I had completed all my documents and was ready to pay my visa fees. I found this website helpful, although it suggested calling the embassy in Hanoi. Communicating with the Vietnamese speakers due to phone signals in Laos was a bit challenging, but persistence paid off. I paid my visa fee at Vietnam Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Industry and Trade (VietinBank) near Patuxay Monument. To avoid issues with fluctuating exchange rates and fees, I paid 70 euros instead of the required 60 euros.

Final Steps

After paying my visa fee, I contacted the embassy in Hanoi for further instructions. They advised selecting a courier to lodge my visa, and I chose DHL to track my application status. I organized all my documents in a labeled A4 Large Capacity Transparent File Folder for easy access by the immigration officer. Following the instructions on the [Irish Immigration website], I sent my documents, which weighed 2.5 kg, via DHL in mid-May 2024.

Approval and Final Thoughts

In mid-June 2024, I received an email that my visa application was approved. They advised me to book a courier to pick up my documents. I requested the embassy to return only the important documents, such as my passport, original diploma, and transcripts, to lighten the return package. No biometrics or police clearance was required, making the process smooth.

I hope this article provides the perfect guide for applying for an Irish student visa from Vientiane, Laos. Best of luck on your journey!

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